Monday, January 31, 2011

How u dey?

Peeps,good morning,how are you all doing?lol...I know,I dont have any follower yet,but that wont stop me from posting every morning will get to read them someday...maybe by the time I'm famous and the next Oprah.....what?Never say never o..han ahn...nothing is impossible...ok?Yesterday was very hectic at work...hoping today will be less stressful sha...Nothing much is happening in my life right now...relatively booooring...but,wait a minute,I intend to do something about that.I mean,whoever heard of a 20 something lady with no social life?hands up...thats me....abeg!!!let me live my life ramblimg,right?true...dont blame a nice day,you all...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A stressful week!!

Chai! The week is just beginning and I'm under a lot of pressure at work.My weekend was cool,hope you ahd fun as well.Saw bf and we had a nice time together after a very long time...due to stress of work o...Yeah,remember I said I eas able to register the previous weekend,only for me to get there last weekend to collect my voter's registration card,and was told the machine didnt capture my data! See me see Johnson evetuall had to register again,hopefully the maching would capture it this time..lwkmd...thats the situation of things in Nigeria o,very depressing...
I wish you all a beautiful week ahead....Be safe..

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hurray!!! I am so happy its friday again...Good day peeps,how was your night?Yesterday was really hectic at work,left late again o!I know,I've sworn never to leave late again,but I couldnt help it.I was going to take a little work home today and do over the weekend(the good employee that I am,sebi?),seeing that I'm still battling with the resconciliation of accounts for last year.Luckily for me,I discovered that the software we use is actually for a single user and so as a result,wouldnt be able to use it on my laptop.My boss said I could come over the weekend,relax,no pressure and work on the accounts!shuo!!! abeg! abeg! abeg! There is no friggging chance of that happening.I plan on hanging out with a couple of friends on the Island before heading home and I'm sure I will be plastered(a little bit) by the time I get home...So,no work tomorrow know how the weekend is going to be like,but I plan on having fun through out....wish you the same....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Good morning.....hope you are doing good this fabulous morning.The weather here is very nice and I feel like leaving the office and going to the beach.Yeah,I can dream,right?My friend called me yesterday and yada yada...we've resolved our differences...turned out it was a misunderstanding about an issue..I have to sign out to you later peeps..and I wish you all a wonderful

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No result...

Good was your night?I got home very late last night,as the traffic was gangster.Though.I left the office a little late...and I;ve resolved never to do that anymore...well,except on fridays.So,I made the call yesterday,told the person that picked up the phone in HR my reason for calling,after I was placed on hold for like 2 mins,a very irritated voice picked up and said "if we have anything for you,we'll call you' and proseded to bang the phone!.I've never been so himulated in my life.Thank God it was on phone sha...abi?
And I begin to wonder why some people dont have curtesy at all.Yeah,granted,she must have been busy,but she didnt have to be so rude.I called a friend of my yesterday,but he refused to pick my calls,guessed it was because I promised to get him some novels but I've not been able to get them...I mean,I called like 10 times...people will never cease to amaze me!!!
And this is where I sign out for now...wish you all a funfilled happy.....

Monday, January 24, 2011

Today is the day...

Morning are you all doing?well,I'm fine...just that I am a little bit depressed....Have you ever wanted something so much,that you feel you can taste it?okay,okay,no beating about the bush.I went for an interview two weks ago,and I'm yet to hear from them.
I wake up everyday with so much joy in my heart.thinking that,yes!today is the day I will receieve that phone call or know,and I havent gotten any call or email,and its starting to weight me down...I mean,this is not me,I'm (almost) always happy,thats not to say I dont have my off days but they are far between.
And when you see your friends moving up and doing fine,and its as if everyone has left you behind*sigh*...I'm not hating o...
So,this is what I;m going to do,I will take the bull by the horns,if they dont call,I will...yeah....
Wish me luck...and hope you have a fantastic day....ciao...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

All animals are equal...

Good day,my weekend was alright..jumped out of bed on saturday mroning,I mean I literally jumped,all in a bit to fulfil my civic duty and participate in the voters registration going on.When I got to the first place,I discovered that the place has packed up because the data capturing machine was malfuncting.Imagine!!!
But did I let that deter me?No,I quickly went in search of the nearest site to register...and despite jumping out of bed like I wanted to audition for MATRIX,I was no 72! And so,the waiting began...about four hours later,a group of 20 peopl came and tagged themselves exco of the estate and therefore deserve prefrential treatment,shyuo!see me see wahala o...that was how they took over,and it remeinded me of George Orwell's popular book 'Animal Farm"-All animals are equal,but some are more equal than others'.Needless to say,I went home in anger.
On sunday,I quickly dashed out of the house register...,yeah,I know,I can be tenacious when I want something.Another drama happened on this day as well,the issue of elders v youths,and what should be the actual age for citizens that can claim elder and not queue up for registeration.And here,I began to hear various age like 40,45,49 claiming eler was a serious matter...
And yes,I learned  lot about American politics and economy,sports-how Kanu is not yet 40 and how Aiyegbeni is older than Kanu,you name any topic,and someone has an
All in all,it was intresting and I eventually registered.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Another Friday....

Hello everyone...Its another friday...and frankly,it couldnt have come the colleague and friend Jade just came in now...I really hope to have a swell friday...this is my first post...yeah,i must make sure i register in the voters registeration going on tomorrow,imagine canvassing people to register and i've not even register myself....wish you all a fantaulous friday....and if you are in Nigeria,please go out to register and les put an end to voters apathy...gist plenty o....will fill you all in from time to time....